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Navigating Through The Waves
India boasts a rich maritime heritage that goes back over 4000 years, notably to the 4th century BCE, a period marked by significant advance

From Friendship to Friction: Navigating the Troubled Waters of Pakistan-Iran Relations
The world’s only country to be born in the name of religion, that is Pakistan derisively labels it to have a ‘brotherly relation’ with a co-

Multi-Dimensional Analysis of a Perilous Pakistan.
The following article draws an analogy from the political crisis in Syria to analyse and explain the current situation in Pakistan...

भारत और चीन: एक जहाज के आर-पार
आज 21वीं सदी में जब भारत एक वैश्विक शक्ति बनने के लिए ऐन-केन-प्रकारेण अग्रसर हो रहा है, तब हमें अपने पड़ोसी देश श्रीलंका में आकर तेल भरवाने

Examining the Psyche of the New Cold War- The US-China Quandary in the Contemporary Times
The ‘developed’ West has somewhere lost its bet to the overarching Chinese calculus and that the world might be witnessing a “New Cold War."
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